Wednesday 9 April 2014

Wrestling with God

This was the introduction to the "Wrestling with God" blog

Struggling along, but not alone

If you're a Christian, you are not someone alone on an island. You are part of a body, or a community, or a family. This local church is often a good experience - sometimes it's not. One thing it usually is though is fairly fake in terms of authenticity. We don't really know how everyone else is doing in their walk with God - and when people ask us how we're doing, it's usually "fine - how 'bout you?". Because we don't know, we can't support each other either. It leaves people to wrestle alone with their problems. We wrestle with our Flesh by ourselves (and if you're like me) and often lose. We wrestle with God trying to figure out how to crucify that flesh, and follow Him and His specific will for our lives - but again, it is often a personal battle alone.
Consider this my invitation to not wrestle alone any longer. Come with me, and we'll struggle along together.  I want to invite you who are like-minded in this to submit a blog entry.  If you are struggling along with me, then you have unique experiences going on in your life, but the issues are probably relative to some of the rest of us too.  The only thing I would ask is that you become a member and follow the same format as I have (Pick a theme that is relevant to you like "Identity", and share a personal experience or dilemma you are facing.  Try not to name names, but also be authentic.)   Let's wrestle together in this. Maybe this can be one piece of that larger puzzle known as Church.

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